Hoist Rings, Alloy Steel U.S.A.
(17)Sizes are 'Thread Size x Thread Length. Hoist rings are alloy steel with a black oxide finish.
Quick Links, Zinc Plated
(6)Uses - Fast, easy connection for permanent or temporary applications.
Caution: Use with chain of equal or lower working load limit. Do not use for overhead lifting. Working load limit must not be exceeded.
Cold Shuts, Zinc Plated
(5)Used for temporary joining, repairing and coupling of attachments. To insure adequate strength, use one size larger than chain.
Caution: Should not be reused once closure had been made. Do not use for overhead lifting. Working load limit must not be exceeded.
Repair Links, Zinc Plated
(6)Uses - A light duty connecting link, closed with a vise or hammer. Also know as Lap Links.
Caution: Links must be closed before using. Do not use for overhead lifting. Working load limit must not be exceeded.
Connecting Links, Forged Zinc Plated
(5)Uses - Drop forged for temporary chain repair and coupling of attachments to chain. The rivets must be headed into the counter sunk holes. Also know as Missing Links.
Caution: Links must be closed before using. Do not use for overhead lifting. Working load limit must not be exceeded.
Trailer Safety Chain S-Hooks, W/O Latch - Heat Treated - Zinc Plated
(3)Without Latch. For use with trailer safety chains.
Trailer Safety Chain S-Hooks, With Latch - Heat Treated - Zinc Plated
(3)With Latch. For use with trailer safety chains.
Double Clevis Links, Grade 40 Zinc Plated
(3) /Asset/7069-chain-accessory-double-clevis-link-grade-40-zinc-plated.jpg
Round Steel Rings, Zinc Plated
(18)Sizes are "Size x Inner Diameter"
Screw Pin Anchor Shackles, Forged Hot Galvanized
(14)Uses - Drop forged body and alloy screw pin, for joining welded chain to anchors or other attachments. Also used for wire rope lifting and rigging lines to attach fittings or suspends a line.
Caution: Do not use for overhead lifting. Working load limit must not be exceeded.
"S"-Hooks, Zinc Plated
(13)Uses - For attaching various accessories to chain. Used normally when low working load limits are involved. Be sure to close s-hook after assembly.
Caution: "S"-Hooks should be closed after assembly.Do not use for overhead lifting. Working load limit must not be exceeded.